Would you like to know a secret?
Where is the one place you can go to stalk celebrities, or anyone in fact, and find out where they are, what they are doing and who they are with? I will tell you where, Twitter. Yes it is that easy, just log on to Twitter and you can find out all there is to know about anyone and everyone. Some people might find it a waste of time to let the rest of the world know their every move but others prefer to tell everyone when they have just woken up or have gone to the toilet. Personally Twitter frustrates the living daylights out of me because I do not want people following me and I could not be bothered with following people, but unfortunately I have no choice in the matter as a journalism student. In a way Twitter is a great way to tell a person what you think of them without having to confront them face to face but when it comes to personal and soppy stuff then rather keep it to yourself. Another problem with Twitter is that it limits one to the amount of words one can say, and what happens when I have something more to say than 250 words? Then I can’t fully express myself and that violates my freedom of speech. If you are one that loves for people to know your personal experiences and secrets then do not delay, start tweeting today.
Tamaryn Olsson


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A mixture of the funky and vibrant talent that S.A. students have to offer.

Pap n' Vleis is the fusion of a dynamic culture, opinionated professionalism and outright craziness.

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