#rublogs still smoking like a chimney?Soon you will be slapped with a R500 fine. Blog www.papnvleis.blogspot.com/

Parliament agreed on a new law on the 17 September 2007, this law has been a long time coming. The legislation will make it harder for smokers to smoke in public areas, in their cars and homes. This law should have been passed a long time ago as there are over 4000 chemicals in second-hand smoke, 200 of these known to be poisonous. This law finally been passed after two years.

What infuriates me the most are adults who smoke in a car with a toddler strapped to his or her car seat with the windows rolled down, as if that will make a difference. I find these adults irrisponsible and are to be blamed for asthma and respiratory problems with their children. Children who are exposed to second-hand smoke are more likely to suffer from dental cavities, eye and nose irritation and irritability.

A fine of R500 will be handed over to anyone who violates the law and employers who do not protect their non-smoking employees from the workplace will be slapped with a fine of R10000. This law prohibits smoking in a private dwelling used for childcare, tutoring or schooling, and in any car transporting a child younger than 12.

In University institutions like Rhodes University, where smoking is as common as brushing your teeth, I find it hard to believe that this law will be effective. The main reason for this law is the high rate of deaths related to smoking in this country which is double the numbers of deaths on the road.


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