#rublogs Tired of spending your life in a line with folks you wouldn't want to touch with a disinfected pole? http://papnvleis.blogspot.com/

It is commonly understood that at some point people want to partake in the economy and that this need often corresponds chronologically with other people needs.

Hence we are introduced to queues. I know that it is self centred and narcisstic to assume that the whole world has to move aside just so that don’t have to wait 5 minutes to get a packet of Doritos, but here’s my problem: Why is it that whenever it is the busiest time of the day, that stores decide to send their employees on a tea-break? All you want to do is pop in, get the things you need, and boom, you are faced with a queue that resembles the ones you find outside of the ladies bathroom at Friar’s.

Although we can’t stop queuing, it can be made to be bearable. Why don’t businesses present magazines while you’re in the store, this way, although you are still stuck in a queue it won’t be a complete waste of time and you might even learn something in the process. A brave but I believe potentially lucrative solution would also be to provide customers with a discount for every minute they wait over an allotted time period. Productivity would increase and I am sure that the store will make back the money they have lost in no time flat.

I don’t know maybe it’s just me but if stores would just consider these two options, perhaps queuing won’t have to ruin our days anymore.


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