The name caught my eye. An appropriate name that describes the students at Rhodes and the slice of cheese is the student’s opinion on the topics being discussed. It is an original and well thought of name for Rhodes students Journalism Blog. When I clicked on the link a funky background came up with different colour circles and I could tell it was young students with bright ideas and an idea of what they want their blog to portray. Although the background has nothing to do with rhodents or cheese it still attracts the attention of the reader. The problem with the blog is that the students have not put any personal details or pictures of themselves so that we know what the blogger looks like, it would be nice to put a face to the blog that is written by the person. “Therhodentssliceofcheese” compared to “A montage of a different sort” is aimed at students, whereas “a montage of a different sort” has a lot going on in the background that takes the focus off the articles on the blog and the name also does not correspond with the journalism blogging idea. “A montage of a different sort” seems very busy and jumbled, and once I clicked the link and the page came up I was not interested in reading any of the articles because it did not appeal to me.
Latest: #rublogs what attracts you to a blog? its got to be hip and funky. why? because im still young! http://therhodentssliceofch
Tamaryn Olsson


Who Are We ??

A mixture of the funky and vibrant talent that S.A. students have to offer.

Pap n' Vleis is the fusion of a dynamic culture, opinionated professionalism and outright craziness.

Prepare to have your boundaries shattered !!

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