#rublogs find out which shiny new toys the government is spending $4.5 billion on this time. Blog www.papnvleis.blogspot.com/

Even though this country is going through issues like poverty, unemployment and that the government fails to provide the basic need of adequate housing to the citizens of South Africa, President Jacob Zuma will be spending $4.5 billion on high-tech fighter jets. http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/280527
The government has decided to spend billions on military jets- to protect itself against any possible invasion. South Africa hasn’t been threatened by any terrorist group or been up in arms for many years now, so what exactly is the government protecting itself against? Well I guess its better to be safe then sorry, right? How is that possible when there aren’t enough qualified and capable people to operate them?
In 1999, the government had made decisions to purchase military equipment which would have the price tag of R21.3 billion. Of these military equipment, three submarines from the German Submarine Consortium, which will replace the ageing Daphne submarines, which have been in service in the navy for more than 30 years were bought in 2006 and 2007. http://www.armsdeal-vpo.co.za/special_items/summary/hardware.html. The price tag of these submarines increased by 600% and they have been “rusting” away on Simon’s Town naval dockyard.
Submarines and military jet planes are the last things this country needs right now. When there are urgent issues like HIV and getting people with the HI-Virus the necessary treatment, creating jobs for the unemployed so that other social issues like poverty may be eradicated. South Africa faces many social challenges that require urgent financial attention. Let us pray that in due time government will realise this and act upon it.


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