Now just to get this bit out the way. .. . I know that I was wrong in doing so. My mother taught me years ago that theft, big or small, is bad. Thus dear reader it is not without some level of guilt that begin this post chronicling my rather shameful pillaging of that beloved student hangout, The Rat and Parrot.

That familiar smell of spilled beer and Peter Stuyvesant cigarettes wafts through the cold October evening and settles nicely at the table at which I find myself. I don’t frequent the Rat that often because the drinks are generally overpriced and you can usually not here a word your significant other has to say. We order a couple of drinks and get drinking.

And then I see it.

Its right there.

You know how supposedly when you see your true love time stops, and the world stops spinning but you still keep moving? Well, I don’t suppose you do, but anyway, that’s how it feels for me. I see the most beautiful Heineken drinks tray I have ever seen in all my born. It’s glowing and hallelujah choirs start singing and it’s almost as if moon shimmying off its beautiful metal. The waiter just leaves it there, all by its lonesome.

I know that I have to have it. My friends are still cracking away and I realise that this is going to have to be a one man job. I start in a crouching position stalking it as if it were some helpless buck and I am the lion who is about to get lunch. I swoop it up and start walking calmly towards the door.

Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder it’s the waiter.

“Sorry mate, I think you forgot your wallet” he smiles.

I turn around keeping the tray away from him and walk thank him for the wallet and made sure I get the hell out of Dodge. Condensation floats of my breath as I get outside. I see my friends leaving in a Toyota Yaris and break out into a run…..

I hope you have enjoyed Pap and Vleis.

Till next time.



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A mixture of the funky and vibrant talent that S.A. students have to offer.

Pap n' Vleis is the fusion of a dynamic culture, opinionated professionalism and outright craziness.

Prepare to have your boundaries shattered !!

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