Tweet:#rublogs: You are either here to get a degree, or you are here to learn. Society does not allow for both...See why at

Wake up student. You are living a life of deceit and ignorance. The media has portrayed you to be a consumer, yet you do not object. You cannot filter the information you are given, how then shall you change the planet? For your own sake and the ones you bring forth into this world, allow yourself to be educated, to open your eyes to the destruction that ceases not to exist.

Become aware that media institutions have an agenda to uphold, that sponsorship always has a purpose and that the governments of your sovereign state do not protect you, but rather the elite you pay to protect! 

Corporations prosper, knowing you have no care for the world; privatization, monopolization and capitalism have you at the burrows. You worry about clothes, drinking and movies more than anything else. When you come home at night, you think not of the desperation of the environment or the land of the indigenous; but rather the TV sitcom you cannot wait to watch. If you cannot portray the lies that are thrust upon you, global warming and its allies will be the end of you, perhaps not specifically but definitely within the century. 

The United Nations, Red Cross, Amnesty International; these institutions are aware, they know of the horrors you will endure if you are not prepared. I am asking you to help them, to be aware that they exist and care along with them, if not, then the beauty that is music, life, love, passion and joy shall cease to exist. The pursuit of happiness as you know it can never be reached; not until you wake up...


Who Are We ??

A mixture of the funky and vibrant talent that S.A. students have to offer.

Pap n' Vleis is the fusion of a dynamic culture, opinionated professionalism and outright craziness.

Prepare to have your boundaries shattered !!

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