Some of it is about as exciting as a 7de laan omnibus. wanna know what I'm talking about?Check out

Although the name is somewhat stupid, as it doesn’t make any sense, this blog might still be worth your time. For my review I have chosen to review a particularly interesting little number called (PNTF for short).

This blog presumably engages in issues that concern 1st year Rhodents and more specifically 1st year Journalism students.

The blog is very easy to navigate and the writing is succinct and easy to understand without being unstimulating. The writing of one Zan is particularly entertaining as it makes even the somewhat unexciting subject of Converse takkies enjoyable. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for other contributors.

The quality of the blog can be a bit patchy in places. A post about something as exciting as Skins is one of my favourite TV shows is followed by a weak post discussing the merits of going to lectures.

Another problem is that the site lacks …. Oh I don’t know…. sparkle, je ne se quoi, pizzazz? The blog’s layout does feel as bland as a 7de Laan Omnibus. There isn’t a lot to occupy the reader other than the content of the various bloggers. Some more photos or graphic design or a link to some other websites would have been appreciated.

PNTF definitely has potential all they need is some help to sparkle up their appearance and to give Zan more of the stage and this could still be an interesting product.

Overall I give it 2 out of 5 Bowls of Pap.


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