
TanyaHirst #RUBLOGS Anal inter-visiting rules...what is the big deal?...check out http://papnvleis.blogspot.com/

There has always been something that has bothered me about inter-visiting between male and female residences. We, as ladies, have to sign our male guests in when they arrive, and out when they leave (which has to be before the clock strikes midnight). Sure, it’s a way of protecting the interests of all the ladies residing in the particular house...but let’s be honest, the system is flawed in many ways. In my opinion, it acts as a polite way to stereotype any male visitor to a ladies residence, labelling them as potentially dangerous. What about the ladies that visit each other? Are they not dangerous, if not more so than the males because they could go unnoticed? Secondly, I would never befriend a potentially dangerous male (or female) let alone allow them into my space! If we as individuals cannot be trusted, then how is the system supposed to function in the first place?

If it were to work properly, the male (or female) candidates should be interviewed by the house warden and “approved” for entrance into the res, no matter what the hour, as long as the lady (the resident) takes full responsibility for his/her actions and is willing to keep a watchful eye on him/her at all times. That way, there would be more emphasis on the type of individual who is trusted and the trust that the resident places in the friend that he/she allows into their space and the space of fellow residents.


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