David Shields

I am not going to sit here and waste both of our time describing myself; telling you about my characteristics or hopes for the future.  You have your own problems: paying the rent, putting food on the table or even something as complex as making someone your true and untouchable other. Our lives are filled with enough anxiety, impatience and unhappiness, why bother you with my own.

We do not give of ourselves; we do not live as if tomorrow will end.This blog; my blog will show you how to be angry, hurt and display it in a way that makes you feel normal. Not normal in the description of the word, but normal by your own definition. The world is coming to an end, our eyes blinded by the elite. What are you going to do about it?

They say education is key, it is the only way to move up in the world and have your views established, but why move up when we are constantly monitored and scrutinized by our cell phones, laptop, dallas chips and home address, don’t let them win. Think for yourself, be yourself and always challenge the accepted norm. I am angry, angry that I am a learner left with nothing in this world, but problems! What about you? What are you feeling?

If the internet is the only truly democratic medium, let us have our say; the say of the people, the masses, the future. My forefathers did not care for me when creating this world, yet now I am told to study, get good grades, a good job and become a moral citizen. If I do this, the future generation will blame me for blindfolding myself in order to attain the luxuries that money may bring. So join me, help me in showing that you care for yourself, family, friends; and perhaps the entire world.

I will write a series of blogs each week, detailing who I am because of the situation I am in. Relate my life to yours, because we are who we are through other people. We are Ubuntu! I want to know who you are. So often people talk about their beliefs, views and lives; we never listen to each other anymore. Just another sheep in the flock!  
Think back to your most beautiful and happy moment, close your eyes and imagine it; now post it to my comment box if you dare. This blog will be the basis of that moment. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t do something, not even me; you have a dream, you have to protect it. When people can't do something themselves, they want to tell you that you can’t do it. You want something; go get it, period. 

Who I am is not important. 
The question is, who are you?


We drove for 6 hours... Away from the city, civilisation, away from everythin i knew and was accustomed to... We drove away. To phalabora, to a private game farm. As i stretched my legs and stepped out of the Land Rover, i stepped onto hot sand that had been baking in the African sun... and i loved it! There was nobody else there but us, no noise from cars or buildings, no sirens, no televisions blaring... just peace. And i loved it. The trees providing shade for creatures never seen by city dwellers, beautiful flowers that most people will never see. I was there with a friend and my girlfriend for only 3 days, but the memories of it will stay with me forever... That is what i want one day. I dont want my life to be ruled by money but i want to have the money to 'escape' from normal life with the people i love when ever i choose, escape to a paradise... It will be a lot of hard work but i will get there! It is my dream and I am going to protect it... I want it and I am going to get it, period.

Spending a holiday in Mauritius with the family. The only actual time, we really spent together. No worries, no technology. Life was bliss...I could have lived in that moment forever !!

Just interested in knowing how you plan to show your readers how to be angry and hurt and also to display it in a way that makes them feel normal to their own definitions? (paragraph 2)

Also: “Think for yourself, be yourself and always challenge the accepted norm,” is a very moving line, you’ll sure make a good motivational speaker. :)

When you say the internet is the only truly democratic medium, keep in mind that a country like China censors the internet to its citizens, and that there’s a lot of speculation about the exact articles they censor. Read more here for example: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/12/03/tech/main531567.shtml

What I like most about your blog (and my complements on this), is the final two lines of your post: that you make it about your readers. This is very fundamental to journalistic writing (or any writing one could argue) - writers are after all nothing without their readers…

Looking forward to your future posts and will keep on reading. Best of luck with your blog! :)

Good post, I like the fact that you presented some sort of ideology in it, too many blogs are either rants or bullshit with no real coherenace
Be ambitious!

Good ideas.

"Relate my life to yours, because we are who we are through other people. We are Ubuntu!"

This reflects my view on faith. I am not one to draw my faith from a God or higher being, but instead I gain strength and comfort from those around me. I like the idea of having something tangible to embrass in times of hardship or joy. By supporting those around us, we can all achieve even the most ambitious feats. Remember, the sum of the parts is greater than the whole.

Life holds so many beautiful and wonderous moments that I cannot actually say I have had one totally perfect one that stands above the rest - I simply have not lived long enough!

However, taking my first steps again after 3 months of dependency on family and friends was a pretty amazing feeling! Who'd have thought that with all the ambition and greed and spurring ourselves onward one would be capable of FORGETTING how to walk after three months following surgery?! Bizarre.. but so true. And, I was afraid - of what? Falling over? I did that a couple of times.. yet I finally succeeded in toddling awkwardly forward for my second set of 'first steps'! And afterwards, I was humbled by the thought that I had experienced but a glimpse of what people with disabilities and debilitating diseases go through on a daily basis with far better grace than I did even though I knew MY situation was temporary..

Nothing else seems important or relevant when the most basic functions of your body aren't available to you... So step back, appreciate all that you take for granted. Take a break from the rat race because (to quote Jon Bon Jovi " Just as I start getting used to the rat race they come up with faster rats") it actually can't be won.

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Pap n' Vleis is the fusion of a dynamic culture, opinionated professionalism and outright craziness.

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