Who am I? After pondering and considering this question I came up with the simple fact that I am a stranger to you, and unless I do not tell you, you will not know. I do not want a stranger knowing who I am, but a lot of the time “Strangers are friends you have yet to meet”. This is the perfect place for Journalism students around the world to communicate with each other. No matter whether you are friends or strangers this is where communication is able to take place. Yes, you can express every ounce of anger you have boiling up inside of you about how Journalism is really getting the best of you, you can express your deepest thoughts or even use it to enjoy e few laughs now and then. This blog is your space and you can do with it what you may, but the point of this blog is really to see the points of view of other journalism students and to relate to what they might be saying. Your blog is your personality. In order for this blog to be a success, students have to cooperate and not critically analyze or criticize what other students are saying but instead give your opinion.

After all the moaning and complaining that our parents and Carte Blanch did about the dangers of Twitter, Facebook, Mxit and Blogging we now have a valid reason as to why we have to, because the lecturer told us to! Use this to your advantage people! No one can stop you now, not even your parents. Let’s face it; we are living in the twenty first century where technology is at its peak so why not enjoy it while it lasts. Make your blog your sanctuary where every time you visit it, it puts a smile on your face or brings that positive feeling to your day. Let your voice be heard, let your feelings flow.

Tamaryn Olsson


Who Are We ??

A mixture of the funky and vibrant talent that S.A. students have to offer.

Pap n' Vleis is the fusion of a dynamic culture, opinionated professionalism and outright craziness.

Prepare to have your boundaries shattered !!

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